About us

Provides specialist Quality Management - QA/QC services (Quality Assurance & Quality Control) for ERW (Explosive Remnants of War) clearance operations. We have built our reputation by performing the highest quality work and providing the most innovative solutions on the widest range of demanding and high profile projects.


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The company quality objectives shall be the framework for planning and performing quality management activities reflected in the implementation. All company personnel are responsible for supporting the objectives while performing assigned duties. The OM is responsible for monitoring the performance against the objectives and for supporting the staff in meeting the objectives. Quality objectives that always should adhere to:


- Perform to meet the client’s needs and contract objectives.


- Perform in compliance with applicable standards and requirements.


- Allow all company personnel to take responsibility for the quality of their work.


- Prevent and resolve problems by implementing effective work processes. Promote continuous improvement in work processes to improve quality, timelines, and cost-effectiveness.


-Improve the effectiveness of the processes, tools, techniques, standards, and procedures according to company SOP’s , NMAS & IMAS.


- Observe if safe procedures protocols are being followed during operations.


-Monitoring of Casevac Exercises and Medevac plan To notice, correct and report errors within the clearance activities.


- Final inspection and documentation of cleared areas Guarantee quality, safety and certify the job done.


- ERW QA & QC services are provided for the below mentioned Mine action main activities:


- Non-Technical Survey

- Technical Survey

- Manual Demining

- Battle Area Clearance

- EOD Mechanical Asset

- CIED/IEDD Activities

- Under Water EOD