About us

Provides specialist Quality Management - QA/QC services (Quality Assurance & Quality Control) for ERW (Explosive Remnants of War) clearance operations. We have built our reputation by performing the highest quality work and providing the most innovative solutions on the widest range of demanding and high profile projects.

QM Services Quality Assurance - QA


- The purpose of QA monitoring activities is to confirm that management practices and operational procedures for ERW scope are appropriate, have been complied with and will achieve the stated requirement in a safe, effective manner. In addition it will also provide the necessary confidence that the Contractor has cleared the land in accordance with the Contract (Client Requirement) and that the land is safe for its intended use.  


- These external QA monitoring activities shall complement the ERW Contractors own internal QM system as it will verify that the ERW Contractor’s QA monitoring and internal QC inspections are appropriate and are being applied.  


- The monitoring will be random and will not interfere with the clearance activities.

The QA monitoring scope shall include but not be limited to:  


1- Confirming that the ERW Contractor management practices and operational procedures are consistent with the terms of the Operational and Client Accreditation, are appropriate and will achieve the stated requirement in a safe, effective manner.  


2- Confirming that ERW Contractor is conducting internal QA monitoring.  


3- QA Monitoring the ERW Contractor before and during the clearance process (IMAS 07.40). QA monitoring will include:


a. Visits to management, logistic and administrative offices or facilities including explosive storage areas, medical facilities and equipment maintenance areas.


b. Visits to sub-unit locations including worksites and supporting workplaces.


c. Observing demining activities, including the destruction of mines and UXO. This is particularly important if the mines and UXO are being destroyed in bulk away from the worksite; and if appropriate.


d. Observing the field testing and evaluation of equipment.


4.Determining corrective & preventive actions for the ERW Contractor process where deficiencies are identified.


5.Maintaining all QA monitoring activity information within a QM Database.